广东广播电视台代表团拜访多家葡萄牙主流媒体 就节目展映与资讯互换达成初步合作意向



当地时间11月20-21日,广东广播电视台代表团一行分别拜访葡萄牙广播电视台(RTP)、葡萄牙环球传媒集团(Global Media Group)、华文媒体葡新传媒,与各机构相关负责人就未来合作形式进行探讨,并达成初步合作意向。

Guangdong Radio and Television (GRT) is going one step forward to enhance its cooperation with media outlets in Portugal. During Nov 20 to 21, a delegation from GRT, led by the president Cai Fuqing, paid visits to multiple mainstream Portuguese and Chinese media platforms based in Lisbon, Portugal, and made concrete progress in promoting images of Guangdong and China to the lusophone world after talks with local industry insiders.


在RTP里斯本总部,广东广播电视台台长蔡伏青与RTP台长尼古拉·桑托斯(Nicolau Santos)就两台未来合作形式展开交流。蔡伏青介绍,中国历史悠久,发展迅速,无论在过去还是现在都有着许多值得对外讲述的精彩故事,欢迎RTP的媒体同行来到中国,来到大湾区,将那里日新月异的变化记录下来,呈现给葡语国家的观众。


The GRT delegation visited Radio Television Portugal (RTP), the state broadcaster of Portugal, and held talks with Nicolau Santos, president of RTP. The Portuguese state media was fully open to international cooperation with Chinese media, said Nicolau, highlighting that the cooperation with GRT will better promote Portuguese culture to Guangdong Province and even China. Also, it will build a new access to present GRT-produced audiovisual programs to the lusophone world, thanks to RTP’s wide audience coverage.


在拜访环球传媒集团(GMG)时,蔡伏青表示,广东广播电视台与GMG的合作可以从资讯和节目版权互换、纪录片展播、节目合拍等方面入手。GMG董事会成员迪奥戈·阿戈斯蒂尼奥(Diogo Agostinho)对此建议表示期待,并表示环球传媒集团作为葡萄牙最大的商业传媒集团,希望在不远的将来能与广东台建立常态节目交流机制。双方还就广播节目制作、新媒体平台运营等工作进行了经验交流。

During his meeting with Diogo Agostinho, Administrator of the Global Media Group (GMG) in Portugal, Cai said the cooperation between GRT and GMG can start with the exchange of program copyrights, co-production of programs, and screening of Chinese documentaries. “We expect this terrific idea. I think in the future we can probably build this protocol in partnership”, said Agostinho. Both sides also exchanged ideas on the business operation modes on monetizing new media programs. Global Media Group is Portugal’s biggest commercial media group.



The GRT delegation also visited Puxin Media, a major Chinese-Portuguese media outlet that has a wide coverage of readers in nine Portuguese-Speaking countries (PSCs), with the newspaper Journal Puxin being its most important brand. Both sides showed greats interests in exchanges of news information and the online promotion of Chinese documentaries in PSCs via the platforms of Puxin Media.



Ma Limei, Executive Director of Puxin Media, looked forward to the future cooperation with GRT as it will feed more updated information from China on its new media platforms with better, wider access to tell stories from China to the international world. Both sides also had an discussion on formulating an overseas Chinese media alliance to present an authentic China across the world.







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