英文读报 中文观点-卫星通讯来了 是取代还是补充 Apple与SpaceX正在布局!

From The Verge

T-Mobile says it’s getting rid of mobile dead zone thanks to a new partnership with SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet at an event hosted by T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert and Elon Musk. With their “Coverage Above and Beyond” setup, mobile phones could connect to satellites and use a slice of a connection providing around 2 to 4 Megabits per second connection (total) across a given coverage area.

That connection should be enough to let you text send MMS messages and even use “select messaging apps” whenever you have a clear view of the sky, even if there’s no traditional service available. According to a press release from T-Mobile, the “satellite-to-cellular service” will be available “everywhere in the continental US Hawaii parts of Alaska Puerto Rico and territorial waters.” The service is scheduled to launch in beta by the end of next year in “select areas” and Sievert says he hopes it will someday include data.

According to Musk second-generation Starlink satellites launching next year will be able to broadcast service using part of T-Mobile’s mid-band PCS spectrum which was bolstered when it was allowed to buy Sprint a few years ago. Musk said the new satellites have “big big antennas” that are 5 to 6 meters across to enable the new connections and that the plan is to launch the equipment using its upcoming Starship rocket.

T-Mobile 表示,由于与 SpaceX 的 Starlink 卫星互联网建立了新的合作伙伴关系,在 T-Mobile 首席执行官 Mike Sievert 和 Elon Musk 主持的活动中,它正在摆脱移动盲区。通过他们的“Coverage Above and Beyond”设置,手机可以连接到卫星并使用连接的一部分,在给定的覆盖区域内提供大约每秒 2 到 4 兆比特的连接(总计)。

这种连接应该足以让你发短信、发送彩信,甚至在你清楚地看到天空时使用“选择消息应用程序”,即使没有可用的传统服务。根据 T-Mobile 的新闻稿,“卫星到蜂窝服务”将在“美国大陆、夏威夷、阿拉斯加部分地区、波多黎各和领海的任何地方”提供。该服务计划于明年年底在“特定区域”推出测试版,Sievert 说他希望有一天它会包含数据。

根据马斯克的说法,明年发射的第二代 Starlink 卫星将能够使用 T-Mobile 的部分中频 PCS 频谱来广播服务,该频谱在几年前被允许收购 Sprint 时得到了支持。马斯克表示,新卫星有“大而大的天线”,直径为 5 到 6 米,以实现新的连接,并计划使用即将推出的 Starship 火箭发射设备。

From Barron‘s

Apple May Add Satellite Connection to iPhones Analyst Says

iPhone 14 almost certain to make its debut at a product launch event Apple has scheduled for next week, Kuo is once again floating the idea.  In a post on Medium, Kuo wrote that Apple has been testing a satellite communications feature that would allow emergency text and voice services. He again suggested that Globalstar will be Apple’s partner on the service if it materializes.

“The increasing frequency of natural disasters and geopolitical conflicts in recent years will likely make emergency texting/voice services via satellite communication a must-have smartphone feature” Kuo wrote. “Whether iPhone 14 will offer satellite communication service depends on whether Apple and operators can settle the business model.”

He said that while it is hard to predict precisely when Apple will add satellite connectivity to its phones “it will happen eventually.”

It’s worth noting that the invitation to the Apple event taking place on Sept. 7 included the headline “Far Out” with an Apple logo on a field of stars.

分析师称苹果可能会在 iPhone 上增加卫星连接

iPhone 14 几乎肯定会在苹果计划于下周举行的产品发布会上首次亮相,郭再次提出了这个想法。 郭写道,苹果一直在测试一项卫星通信功能,该功能将允许紧急文本和语音服务。他再次暗示,如果这项服务成为现实,Globalstar 将成为苹果公司的合作伙伴。

“近年来自然灾害和地缘政治冲突的频率越来越高,可能会使通过卫星通信的紧急短信/语音服务成为智能手机的必备功能,”郭写道。 “iPhone 14 是否会提供卫星通信服务,取决于苹果和运营商能否解决商业模式。”


值得注意的是,参加 9 月 7 日举行的 Apple 活动的邀请函包括标题“Far Out”,并在一片星星上印有 Apple 标志。




  1. SpaceX与Tmobile合作


  1. 手机制造商苹果、三星与现有的卫星通讯服务商合作的可能性

如果手机制造商想要推出他们自己的卫星通讯,据传苹果正在努力,与其他卫星通讯服务商如global Star合作可以让他们获得比 SpaceX/T-Mobile 计划提供的更多的覆盖范围。与 Starlink 试图与全球无线运营商拼凑频谱权相比,像苹果和三星这样的手机制造商可能更容易将现有的卫星连接集成到他们即将推出的手机中。




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