
广东作为内地外贸大省,不少出口企业受疫情影响而资金流紧张。广东省税务局24日透露,为了“稳外贸”,广东加速出口退税审批,缓解出口企业“资金紧”问题。据统计,在2月1日至23日期间,广东税务系统共办理出口退(免)税97.83亿元(人民币,下同),近1.3万户出口企业受惠。(大公网 卢静怡)

As a major foreign trade province in China, many export companies are affected by the epidemic and their capital flows are tight. The Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau disclosed on Feb 24 that to keep foreign trade stable, Guangdong has expedited the approval of export tax rebates to alleviate the problem of fund shortage in export enterprises.

According to statistics, during the period from Feb 1 to 23r Guangdong’s tax system handled a total of 9.783 billion yuan of export tax rebates, benefiting nearly 13,000 export enterprises.

24日,广东省新冠肺炎疫情防控应急响应级别由重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应调整为二级响应。在当天举行广东省举行疫情防控例行发布会上,广东省卫生健康委副主任陈祝生表示:“调整响应级别,不代表疫情拐点的到来。当前疫情形势仍然严峻复杂,防控正处在最吃劲的关键阶段。”他表示,广东面临的疫情传播的不确定性和风险性依然很大,据统计,目前仍有1000万左右的人员将分批有序来到广东复工复产。(大公网 卢静怡)
Guangdong lowered its public health emergency response Covid-19 epidemic from level I to level II on Feb 24. Local authorities said at the press conference yesterday that the turning point had not yet been reached, and the uncertainty and risk of the spread of the epidemic in Guangdong were still very high.

According to statistics, there are still about 10 million migrant workers who will come back to Guangdong in batches and orderly to resume production.

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